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Terrifying Jellyfish

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Location: Saint Louis, MO, United States
Website: terrifyingjellyfish.com
Links: https://discord.com/invite/UXWmr2h

I’m Tj (he/him/his), Terrifying Jellyfish is my alias under which I make games. jk it’s on my birth certificate I have been alive for 24 earth revolutions. In that time, I’ve found my place as a game designer and digital artist. I call Saint Louis, Missouri home. I change mediums often. I dabble in video, photography, and music, but interactive is the medium I always come back to. I started making games in Unity3D when I was 13. If you want to make games, I say go for it! If I can do it, so can you. Terrifying Jellyfish is bent on escaping the mediocre and mundane forever through the exorbitant use of color, playfulness, and a e s t h e t i c s.
